Don't Know Much About Sitting Bull         Class: 404   seat number: 22  Name: 李沛萱

    In the winter vacation, I read an English book whose name is "Don't Know Much About Sitting Bull."  I read it for a long time, but I got a lot of knowledge about Indian............

Don't Know Much About Sitting Bull                           Class: 404   seat number: 22  Name: 李沛萱

    In the winter vacation, I read an English book whose name is "Don't Know Much About Sitting Bull."  I read it for a long time, but I got a lot of knowledge about Indian.

    When he was a baby, his name wasn't Sitting Bull.  His name was Jumping Badger, but people called him"Slow."  The name wasn't an insult.  It meant he was thoughtful, careful, and maybe a little stubborn.  He is the leader of his tribe which is called "Lakota".  And it is a powerful and extraordinary group of people.  He is one of the greatest leaders in American history and he is also a good warrior.  Although Sitting Bull became famous as a warrior who fought against the United States, he was a leader who wanted what was best for his people and tried to preserve the Lakota way of life.

    When sitting Bull was born, there were few "whites" (Europeans) in his land and Lakota was one of the most powerful of tribes.  Sixty years later, the Lakota had lost their lands and many of them were dead.  But he wanted his people to be free.  So he led his people to resist enemies.

    Before I read this book, I didn't know much about Indians and American history.  But after I finished this book, I got a lot of knowledge about Indians.  I think he is a brave man.  He fought against enemies and helped settle down his people, like out National Father In R.O.C. - Sun Yi hsien.  Dr. Sung Yi hsien also resisted enemies and wanted the Chinese to be free.  Sitting Bull and Dr. Sung Yi hsien both are great men.  They are respectful similarly by their people.  We weren't born in that time.  we didn't know how terrible it was.  If we weren't born in that time, Maybe we ran away every day.  not like them resist enemies.

    When I read this book, I found that I don't know a lot of words in this book.  I spend much time to use dictionary to find words.  And also I know many words that I have never seen before.  I think reading English books is fund and is good for my English.  I will read more English books like "Don't Know Much About Sitting Bull," and it will help me to my English.



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