
如何面對英文考科作文的要求: Keep a Diary
(Date created: 2004/2/20 modified: 19 last update: 2011/11/11)

Why Keep a Diary in English? 為何寫英文日記?

 寫日記的好處很多 - 包括對問題的分析,隨之增長的處事智慧。 而寫英文日記對一個高中生來說,不外乎,練習句型和單字,而不斷練習的成果: 能流暢運用特定的句型和大量單字.....在大考英文那個時刻,能夠在二十或十五分之內,寫下一篇符合要求的短文。能達到大考英文寫作的要求,是個人努力的累積--若沒在大考前,確實掌握好基本句型和單字的正確用法,若不能按步就班的針對各種題目,加以練習,到了考場,又如何能寫下稱之為"完整又符合要求"的作文?


There are numerous benefits for keeping a diary - being able to analyze what has happened and finding out a best solution to avoid the same pitfall next time. The most salient good thing a high schooler can get from keeping a diary is that the ability to cope with the demand in the college entrance exam. Many a teacher have made it clear that during this exam, test takers will only have about approximately 20 to 15 minutes to complete a short passage; it makes sense for high school students to start writing short passages in English early.

-----Successful writers write every day. There are no other ways around it!

How to write a diary entry? 英文日記的格式和一般的寫法
※ 在上方記下,日期均以縮寫呈現,
※ 天氣( cloudy 陰天/ shinny, sunny晴天/ rainy, wet 雨天/ humid and hot 濕熱)
※ 以第一人稱來起始,故常省略"我 I" ,若有混淆之疑,則不省略。
※ 因為描述的是當天已發生的事,動詞時態多為和。
※ 的使用通常指出現在的心情或未來的計劃。

What to Write? 寫些什麼?

有人以為寫日記就像是記流水帳一樣,"清早起床刷牙(the morning rituals),穿衣上學,上課抄筆記...."。其實寫日記可以針對一天中,個人感受較強的事件來加以著墨;或針對某一人/事/物詳加描述---其人之外表,事件的前後因果關係,或是物品的外貌功能等等;或可閱讀一篇報紙上的文章,在日記上舒發個人的感想。


Some people actually believe that writing a diary nothing more than recording the daily rituals, starting from getting up, proceeding to things that follow. It need not to be so. Record those moments that you felt excited, or down-trodden. Describe things that stand out of the rest. Trace the changes of an event.

Lack of vocabulary presents the most threatening aspect of writing a diary. Many have found that using Chinese character where one doesn't know the actual English words do help a lot. You can do the same. Just remember, to learn English well, first you must be willing to try to use English.

Mon, Feb. 20th Sunny

Dear Diary,
On my way back home from school, ( I ) chatted with Jim and Tom. ( I )Learned that Tom had been thinking buying a new cell phone. Jim pointed out the fact that new ones would cost more and soon he would find the store selling it cheat three months later. Is it really necessary for us all to buy new cell phones when we already have a functional one? These pretty commercials sometimes push 消費者 (...consumers) to spend too much.

在頁面中,騰出一空間,收集整理不熟悉的單字/動詞片語; 寫完後,先以字典和網路來查閱,再向同學或老師確認答案。

Common Errors 高中生英文日記中常見的錯誤

Wed, March. 3rd cloudy, cold
Dear Diary,

Today, Mom and Dad take took 1 us to the natural museum (National Museum of Natural Science 2)to see some exhibitions. Tim, my little brother, cry all the way to the museum. He is a pest. Even though Father had told us that we should take turns to use the digital camera, he still won't ( wouldn't 3 )let go of it. I took a lot of picture (pictures 4) Because (because 5)our science teacher asked us to do a report at ( on 6) local animals and it would help a lot if I could add photos to our reports. Later, Father takes took us to the nearby Caves' Bookstore to buy us new English dictionaries we were happy to read new magazines in this big bookstore Mom bought new recipe books Tim got his comic books. (7)

1 和 3 的動詞時態不適用於記述當日已發生的事。

2 自然博物館為專有名詞,需大寫-->正式英文名稱在門票上/網路上皆可查到。

4 可數名詞若有 two, three.....;some; a few of; a lot of...置於前,應變成複數形。

5 because 是從屬連接詞 所帶出來的子句不應獨立存在。

6 report 和介係詞連用(固定用法)。

7 太多的句子混雜在一起,該斷句的地方未加上句號(或連接詞 and, but, or, since, although)。原句可改成: Later Father took us to the nearby Caves' Bookstore to buy us new English dictionaries. We were happy to read magazines in this big bookstore. Mom bought new recipe books and Tim got his comics books.

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