X In Saturday Afternoon, O è On Saturday afternoon – in the afternoon of Saturday
Her dad punished her to do a handstand until she knows she is making what kind of mistake.
…………………………………………...O….she knew what kind of mistake she had made.
…he determined to win her love…
…..he was determined to win her love…..兩種句型皆可用,後者較常見…前者較正式
Tom was so bored at the beginning, but it was different when the appearance of the pretty girl.
….when the pretty girl showed up.
….after the appearance of the pretty girl
Jack was so nervous that he only asked Lisa lived in which apartment.
Jack was so nervous that he only asked where Lisa lived.
Unexpectedly, a lot of inhabitant scold loudly to Jack.
……………………….residents (in the apartment) came out and shouted at Jack.
They watched each other and both think in the mind, how a pretty (handsome) girl (boy). Would she (he) like me?
They looked at each other and both thought, “What a pretty/handsome girl/boy she/he is! Would she/he like me?”
10. 引號(“ ”) (1) 用在引用句的前後。
(a) Our teacher said, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
(b) “I don’t like her, ” she explained.
(2) 如果引用句本身是敘述句而且位在一個問句之後,必須先用引號,再用問號。
Did he say, “I am going to college next year”?
Did he say, “Are you going to college next year?”
(3) 引用文句有兩段或兩段以上時,只在每一段開始時和最後一段結束時用引號。
“But by the time diner was ready the boy had climbed into bed. The shoe had to be cut off his swollen and discolored leg. Why on earth hadn’t he told somebody? Go quick and fetch the doctor!”
(4) 引用句中另有引用句時, 用單引號表示
She said, “ I quite agree to the saying ‘To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness on earth’.”
10. 引號(“ ”) Source: http://blog.xuite.net/hn87580207/carte/9285721