This report focuses on what is revealed in students’ choice and performance in a class presentation.
Initiatives: A) Increase fun & participation in classroom.
B) Acquaint students with pronunciations from different regions.
C) Measure students’ oral competence/ narrow down a general area to improve.
D) Map out where and why students’ choose their report materials.
Description of the three classes in this project:
The classroom usually has 40 to 47 students. Teaching and learning English in school is predominately in an one-way approach. Teachers and students usually follow a chosen textbook. Teachers conduct class by giving lectures while students take notes. Grammar details and vocabulary usages are the focus. Students’ feedback comes from written exams; teachers react to students’ performance accordingly. Performance in written tests is the sole indicator of “successful learning.”
Preparation: Teaming up, equipment check, and setting up reasonable criteria
Before this presentation, I made sure students could do what was required without running into trouble by making a video clip on my own. The second step was making sure the equipment in classroom – projector, speaker and other supportive gears work properly. By doing so, was able to set up a reasonable set of rules, minimum requirements in class presentation and provide suggestions if students should come into problems in the process.
Through this first stage of mapping out the project’s details, found and it is a helpful websites that helps students find the script if they needed it. A free software YoutubeDownloader is at help students download the video file from Internet provided a vast array of choices of video clips. Students’ choices were highlighted in this study in order to examine what subjects attracted the 2012 class most. Once this is pinpointed, teaching materials could be modified accordingly, and hopefully, students will become more engaged in class and their study.
事前的準備: 為了確認這份計劃的可行性、也清楚抓到這報告所需的時間、軟體和設備, 我自己先按步就班的的完成一個影音檔; 第二步是確認教室內的設備可以支持這項報告要求; 因為有前二步驟, 接下來才能建立合理的評分要求、學生遇到困難時,也能快速的因應。
Teaming-up: members were chosen randomly, mixing learners of different English level. This was so because the three classes had just been put together and in order to save time. This may allow students of different skills and abilities to form a group and pitch in where their individual and unique ability is needed. Later, this idea was put to test because both positive and negative results have been encountered because of this method of teaming up students.
因為高二分組剛完成, 各組成員其實個性、能力各異; 這也許是讓不同能力和特長的學生,來學習如何與其它人共同合作和學習。
We found computers and space for choosing material and discussion in the school library. This is so because a language lab was non-existent in our school.
A schedule was given but student team leaders were free to pick a date to do their presentation. Incentives were added with a schedule that gave the first team shorter required time in presentation. The last team to fill in would be asked to do the presentation a bit longer.
1. Familiarity and subtitle– one video clip that has both English and Chinese subtitles successfully drew the entire class’ attention; whereas a commercial that is brilliant in content and unique in its local accent failed to encourage those who tried to follow.
That popular choice is a successful one because of the following factors – 1. overlapping students interests (this theme is taken from a popular Japanese’s comic book) 2. word choice is simple and sentence length is comparatively shorter, simpler than those found in long commercials designed for native speakers. 3. with the audience’s prior knowledge in the familiar topic, unfamiliarity is reduced and the level of understanding, as a result, is vastly increased.
The less popular one failed to convey its well intent for the following factors: 1. the story itself is of completely unfamiliar subject; 2. with its fast-paced verbal sequence, it requires longer listening attention, and more listening strategies because there is simply no subtitle to refer to. One presentation challenges students with solid background knowledge about a hard liquor producer, not to mention a very distinctive local accent from England further intimidates other students who watched it.
These two examples would be a good comparison for students who may have the same interesting in doing this presentation. When they are to choose a video clip for this type of classroom activity, they could benefit from this comparison and hence make a more suitable choice that elevate their grade and viewers’ interest.
2. Preparedness vs. passiveness
One particular presentation won applause and literally surprised the audience because the team decided to use technology as their little help. Instead of taking up the microphone and read the lines in class, this team chose to pre-record the video section and duped it with pre-recorded readings from an MP3 recorder. One team-member then used Power-Director to put together a neat presentation. By doing so, they avoided the typical downfalls that some other teams ran into: stuttering while lip-syncing with video on the projector screen.
The other team in contrast is a team that needed to be reminded again and again about preparing equipment, having a discussion with the teacher before they presented their work. This team’s performance was less then lackluster and no members in the audience were entertained that particular day. For some, this class activity was seemed as a hassle and therefore it was difficult for them to make a presentation as scheduled. For the sake of making grades, asked each team member to simply record their part in the selected movie title.
The key factor is willingness. A willing team makes this presentation a waltz – fun and enjoyable. On the other hand, an unwilling team makes things a drag. Another factor found to affect students’ presentation is perfectionism. Perfectionism often cause unnecessary pressure and hence failure. This former successful team was aware of this and they set a timeframe to each step they took. Tasks were divided among team members. A spirit of cooperation was visibly present throughout the process simply because this team’s members were by chance or by deign, good friends.
3. Good leadership
In another class, a male student who had been unobtrusive and quite to his classmates, surprised all with his willingness do his part and his ability to coordinate different team members’ effort. This male student’s tireless effort in checking up the files and equipment needed safeguarded a near-perfect presentation. His team members, after the presentation, all gave him a thumb-up for his part in their well-received presentation. This seems to tell teachers all over the world that when given a chance, some will demonstrate other surprising, fine qualities and abilities other than that of doing well on paper exams.
照片內左前方的同學,是這組報告的組長。在報告結束後,全體組員在鏡頭前, 以大大的笑容和大姆指對他表達肯定和謝意--因為他多付出時間心血來投入全組影片的後製;因為他願意持續在組員之間協調、因為他再三檢查電腦軟體和硬體,這一小組報告也能更加完整。這個movie project,除了要將英文學習主動權(內容)交給學生,也能提供學生一同學習,一同成長的機會。紙筆測驗無法完整的呈現每一個學生的真正高度和優秀特質; 在這報告過程中, 組員彼此能看到每個人的長處,提醒自己要表現更好。二十年後,當他們再次回想這次報告的經驗,他們心中的感受和共同回憶,應是任何一張考卷都無法相比的。
4. Students as resources
With each team’s presentation, good expressions and vocabulary would be singled out to show other students the context in which these words and idioms could be used. This would serve both to encourage the presenting team and instill good usages in other students, especially when they were learning English without the benefits of English as a second language environment.
<做中學: 抓出好的單字/片語>在同學的配音報告結束後,除了指出該隊的各項優缺之外, 也將影片重播一次, 指出較好的單字/片語和用法; 如此可以讓學生看到某些片語實際在生活中的使用方式。
5. It is fun to learn a new culture
When another team came to me and asked me to recheck their script (they transcribed this clip themselves) I felt more than just honored, because they did more then what they had been asked. So, it was only right if I should dutifully proof-read their script. Excuse me, but this where it gets really hilarious. Alas, as soon as I started listening to this video clip, I couldn't stop laughing silently with my body shaking all over - I believe that co-worker behind probably was scared and terrified. Oh, I'm such a low person to laugh at such low jokes. My stomach still hurts so much...) Anyway, you should try this and this is sure to make your Tuesday worthwhile. (updated)
這一組同學在報告日前來找我,希望能幫他們再檢查一回他們自己寫下的文字稿; 真的有點小感動,因為他們做的比要求的還多。所以一本正色,認真要開始交互檢查影片和譯文;可是萬萬沒料想到,一開始打開影片後,忍不住的開始跟著逗趣的情節隨著觀眾笑,可是可是在公司辦公室這麼正式的場所,你又不能笑出聲。(我後頭的同事,看著前面的胖子全身不斷的上下抖動,真是嚇壞了。)這影片中有些情節真的是不正經,一定會好好要求消音和說明更正,以正視聽。(不過也真實呈現出美國文化中笑鬧看世界的幽默感。)各位,你若未成年,是不可以按下頭那影片連結的喔!
Obstacles found:
- 1. Time limits: rigid schedule set by school often force both teacher and students to put aside this classroom activity.
- 2. Classroom equipment. The absence of a language lab makes it almost impossible to record students’ reading/lip-syncing in advance. Were a language lab present, students would benefit from handy access to computers, resources on the Internet.
- 3. Collecting and analyzing general & specific shortcomings of pronunciation.