
How New York Works             404     韓瑩

For most of us, the word vacation conjures up images of lounging on a Caribbean beach or touring the picturesque terrain of some European country. An urban center (like New York City) bustling with people, traffic and skyscrapers might not immediately come to mind. However, large cities often offer tourists an incredible variety of sites and activities. The City, as New York City is often referred to, is home to world-renowned museums and restaurants, exciting attractions, an array of entertainment and unbeatable shopping. If you are anything like the 29 million American travelers that visit "the Big Apple" annually, your next vacation spot just may be New York City.




How New York Works

For most of us, the word vacation conjures up images of lounging on a Caribbean beach or touring the picturesque terrain of some European country. An urban center (like New York City) bustling with people, traffic and skyscrapers might not immediately come to mind. However, large cities often offer tourists an incredible variety of sites and activities. The City, as New York City is often referred to, is home to world-renowned museums and restaurants, exciting attractions, an array of entertainment and unbeatable shopping. If you are anything like the 29 million American travelers that visit "the Big Apple" annually, your next vacation spot just may be New York City.


As a travel destination, New York has something to offer almost every visitor. Though tourism has dropped since September 11, 2001, there are still lots of reasons to visit what many consider the greatest city in the world.


In this article, we will explore the basics of what every visitor needs to know before planning a trip to New York City. You will learn about getting to and around the city, the neighborhoods, some main (and lesser known) attractions and some pretty useful secrets.


Suggestions:  Dear Winnie,

    When I read your translation, I was astonished to find the talent
displayed in it.  Your best quality is that you do not hesitate or linger if you
run into tricky parts because most people would just stop there and
never move on.  Next, your second good quality is that you possess a
higher ability of verb phrases and idioms when most of your peers would
be defeated by words that look familiar yet arranged in different ways. 
Here I offer some suggestions for your translation and encourage you to
do more translation.  If possible, you should join some newspaper
translation competitions where you will find better chances of learning to
do elegant translation.

當我閱讀你的翻譯時,被其中所展現出的天份所驚! 你最棒的特質在於不受限
文單詞所組成動詞片語所阻(conjure up)(因為你的同學多受困於此)。所附上
有舉報<精譯求精> 的翻譯比賽,你會在那



    The City, as New York City is often referred to, is home to world-renowned museums and restaurants, exciting attractions, an array of entertainment and unbeatable shopping.




    *A is home to B
.  指出 B而言,A是其[發源地][位置所在地點];而直接翻譯的缺點就是會造成語意不清;較佳的方法是由譯者將原文中的轉折修改成符合中文書寫習慣的句子,但仍保留其原意; A 擁有 B,或是 B 座落於A區域











l           皇后區剛好在曼哈頓的南方。

l           布魯克林在曼哈頓的東南方。

l           斯塔騰島在曼哈頓的西南方。

l           克朗克斯在曼哈頓的北方。











l           收費公路、橋、隧道的收費是世界上最高的。

l           特別是在假日,交通會極度混亂。

l           找到一個停車位是非常困難的,停車要花的時間比任何別的地方多五倍。

如果你想像大部分到紐約的旅行者,你可能會通過三個地方機場中的任何一個,La GuardiaJohn F. KennedyNewark機場都是服務著這個地區的地方機場。La Guardia是離城市最近的機場,只在曼哈頓的皇后區東方八英哩。大部分美國家庭式的飛機由此機場進入和出去。國際的飛機通常由John F. Kennedy機場,它在城市東方15英哩。Newark機場在新澤西,但是它沒有比John F. Kennedy機場離曼哈頓遠(大約15英哩),運用運輸工具到任何一個曼哈頓的機場很簡單,但是交通卻要消耗很多時間。想當然要花三十分鐘至一個半小時才能從機場進入曼哈頓。

How New York Works

For most of us, the word vacation conjures up images of lounging on a Caribbean beach or touring the picturesque terrain of some European country. An urban center (like New York City) bustling with people, traffic and skyscrapers might not immediately come to mind. However, large cities often offer tourists an incredible variety of sites and activities. The City, as New York City is often referred to, is home to world-renowned museums and restaurants, exciting attractions, an array of entertainment and unbeatable shopping. If you are anything like the 29 million American travelers that visit "the Big Apple" annually, your next vacation spot just may be New York City.

As a travel destination, New York has something to offer almost every visitor. Though tourism has dropped since September 11, 2001, there are still lots of reasons to visit what many consider the greatest city in the world.

In this article, we will explore the basics of what every visitor needs to know before planning a trip to New York City. You will learn about getting to and around the city, the neighborhoods, some main (and lesser known) attractions and some pretty useful secrets.

City Overview

New York City (NYC) is located on the Eastern Atlantic coast of the United States. It rests at the mouth of the Hudson River. The city is often referred to as a "city of islands." Greater NYC is made up of five distinct areas called boroughs. These boroughs include Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. The boroughs are separated from each other by various bodies of water and are connected by subways, bridges and tunnels.

In terms of the geography of NYC, it is best to imagine the Greater New York area as a main center island (Manhattan) surrounded by outer islands (the other boroughs):

  • Queens is located just east of Manhattan.

  • Brooklyn is situated to the southeast of Manhattan.

  • Staten Island is located southwest of Manhattan.

  • The Bronx is located north of Manhattan.

Only Manhattan and Staten Island are on their own land masses. The Bronx is the only borough that is attached to the New York State mainland.

When people refer to New York City, they are usually talking about Manhattan. Most of NYC's main attractions are located in this borough and the majority of visitors spend most of their vacation here. For this reason, let's examine the organization of the island of Manhattan.

ManhattanManhattan is located between the Hudson River on the west side and the East River on the east side. The island is 22.7 square miles (58.8 square kilometers), 13.4 miles (21.6 kilometers) long and 2.3 miles (3.7 kilometers) wide. Manhattan can be roughly divided into four quadrants: the East Side, the West Side, Uptown and Downtown. The best way to understand how the geography of Manhattan is organized is in terms of the city's street layout.

Whether walking or using public transportation, New York is a pretty simple city to navigate. This is because the city, for the most part, is a grid of intersecting avenues and streets.

A street
map of Manhattan looks very much like a sheet of graph paper.

The avenues run North and South, beginning with 1st Avenue on the East Side and spanning westward all the way to 12th Avenue. Streets run East and West, beginning with

1st street
downtown and going as far as
220th Street
at the northern tip of uptown Manhattan.

It's important to remember that the distance between avenues is generally much larger than the distance between streets (roughly 3 times as long). So, walking east to west from 1st Avenue to 3rd Avenue, for example, will be roughly 3 times farther than walking south to north from 1st Street to 3rd Street.

When in New York, it is common to hear people shout out addresses that sound like a list of numbers. For example, let's say you want to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It's located at

82nd Street
5th Avenue
. If you were to hop in a taxi, you could simply say, "82nd and 5th" and the driver would know exactly where to go. That's because when New Yorkers give addresses, they most often just say the street number and then the avenue number. Do not reverse the order of the numbers, though. The first number is where your destination is located and the second number is the nearest cross-street. When getting addresses in New York, it is always helpful to ask for the nearest cross-street.

Getting to New York City

There are several important things to think about when traveling to New York. If you're thinking about driving into the city, consider this:

  • Tolls for turnpikes, bridges and tunnels are the highest in the nation.

  • Traffic, especially on weekdays, can be extremely heavy.

  • Finding a parking space is a rarity and parking can cost five times what it costs anywhere else.

If you are like most travelers to New York, you will probably make your way through one of the area's three airports. La Guardia, John F. Kennedy and Newark Airport all serve the area. La Guardia is the closest airport to the city -- only 8 miles east of Manhattan in Queens. Most United States domestic flights enter and exit through this airport. International flights often go through John F. Kennedy Airport (also known as JFK), which is about 15 miles east of the city. Newark Airport is located in New Jersey, but is no farther from Manhattan (about 15 miles) than JFK. Transportation into Manhattan once you arrive at any of the airports is pretty simple, but can be time consuming depending on traffic. Assume it will take from thirty minutes up to an hour and a half to get from the airport into Manhattan.






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