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Action Research: Writing Diary – Old and New
學習誘因融入教學實作-英文日記書寫活動 2005


As a TEFL English teacher in a senior high school, how to best teach composition to students has always been my concern. During the summer session, was fortunate to read “Exploring the Dynamics of Second Language Writing.” This comprehensive, yet, focused book helped solve many questions that I had toward a writing project. This writing project had been done before the Advanced Writing class, and yet it now serves a platform to test and examine what I have learned from this class.

  若能將課堂教學內容與學生的學習需求緊密的結合,則能激起學生主動學 習的動機和興趣。而這個公式中有個重要的因子—一個能使學生持續投入學習的誘因。接下來為各位介紹一個含有此學習誘因的活動。它是一個適合高一的英文 書寫活動,可以在高一正式上作文課之前,先作的一個寫作暖身活動;其中有 實作的經驗也分享一些好用的網站和新的作法。另在文件最後,附上一份問卷調 查的結果,供各位參考。

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(英語悅讀) 2003 A Report on a Reading Project

February, 2003  發表於 http://www.hsenglish.com.tw/teach/hint/h.asp?page=2&count=56

1. Introduction

This report has the following objectives: A. To probe into effects of outside reading on students in one Taiwanese high school; B. this practice’s implications on local teaching environment; C. To form a better teaching module.

This report is then divided into three parts.  The first section lists some theories of extensive reading.  The second part describes how this reading project was conducted.  An analysis of students’ responses and the use of one Internet message board follows.  The third section presents reflections on this project, including an improved model and some suggestions from fellow teachers.

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閱讀心得: 先將書中結論和建議陳述於前; 原文書的標題, 可能來自 one-room school, 將不同年級的學生全放在同一間教室內, 由高年級生來教授低年級生, 共同學習分享。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-room_school

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Fault in our stars

美國今年這季上檔電影中, 擊退阿湯哥科幻片 的居然是 The Fault In Our Stars。因為書寫的主題和文字都很接近你我,蠻適合暑假時當英文閱讀的。以下有免費的文本PDF 電子版連結供參考:

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經過試用, 內容和設計均可幫助有心學好英文的人。


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This report focuses on what is revealed in students’ choice and performance in a class presentation.

Initiatives: A) Increase fun & participation in classroom.

                   B) Acquaint students with pronunciations from different regions.

                  C) Measure students’ oral competence/ narrow down a general area to improve.

                    D) Map out where and why students’ choose their report materials.

Description of the three classes in this project:

The classroom usually has 40 to 47 students. Teaching and learning English in school is predominately in an one-way approach. Teachers and students usually follow a chosen textbook. Teachers conduct class by giving lectures while students take notes. Grammar details and vocabulary usages are the focus. Students’ feedback comes from written exams; teachers react to students’ performance accordingly. Performance in written tests is the sole indicator of “successful learning.”


Preparation: Teaming up, equipment check, and setting up reasonable criteria


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一年一度的單字比賽即將來到, 有許多有心的同學問到相闗的資源網站在何處。請參閱:
 單字總表 和模擬測驗入口

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段考題電腦讀卡的強弱點分析 [課堂上已挑出講解,留於此再強調]

--聽力題: 123 失分多,隨後再附上圖解。
--單字題的失分減少 -->持續單字背誦(默寫)的要求
--23~27 文法題 (被動式) 24 和27 題較明顯,會加上詳解
--32題 課文(分詞構句, 主動形態)
--42題 課文變化 (分號在句子的使用,如何改變句子結構)
--52題 選字填空

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本年度學科能力測驗閱卷組,酌選考生作文佳作國文考科十五篇、英文考科十四篇,經徵詢考生同意後,以原卷影像檔及其簡要評分說明提供各界參考。讀者如有寶貴意見,謹請來函指教。(郵寄地址:106台北市大安區舟山路237號 大學入學考試中心閱卷組收;傳真電話:02-23661149)





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    你是怎麼背單字的?看到新的單字,就按其字母排列猛唸? Notebook, n-o-t-e-b-o-o-k 這樣嗎? 二十幾年前,每天早上,公車站牌旁,就有一長排的國高中生一邊等公車,一邊捧著單字冊,如此南無南無的背誦英文單字。  其實還有一些背單字的不同方法!

    首先你要問自己"英文單字,我能看到就唸的出來嗎?"因為英文是表音符號(同注音符號功能),袛要能找到基本規則, 唸的出來, 你自然拼寫的出來! 第二個問題是 "這個單字是如何使用的?"單字通常用於句子或文章中,所以要抓到這單字是如何使用。第三個問題是"我如何將這單字永存心中?"要學了不忘,就必須要用在日常生活中-閱讀你愛的英文書或看電影電視影集;或寫日記等方式,確實的將學到的應用在你的日常生活中,來加以驗証檢視。接下來,就針對這三個前述主題-唸出來;單字用法;如何應用-來稍加說明:


             < 看到單字就能正確拼寫出來>

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給校內同學的消息: 英聽測驗系統終於初步建置完成

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限填志願數降 報到率提高了




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This article makes comments on the technical side of a recent speech contest and presents comments given by presiding judges in the contest.


A commanding voice – volume, speed, and articulation

Knowing HOW one’s voice resonates, or travels, through the lecture hall and reaches audience’s ear is a crucial part that all good orators should pay attention to.  Speaking to your interlocutor in a person to person manner requires less volume and a quicker speed. However, it would take a different perspective if you are speaking in a big lecture hall, to a large audience.  A good speaker controls speed and pauses now and then to ensure that one’s point is well-taken, no puzzling look on your audience’s faces.  This is the necessary step to make sure that the audience follows your story so that you may have a chance to win their heart.


Stereotypes and leverage:

Just as birds have been assigned with different names according to the way they chirp, people’s voice and appearance have a defining quality in the audience’s heart and mind. Call it prejudice or stereotype.  Few can change it, but a good speaker knows how to use it to their advantage.  A good speaker knows what effect his/her voice may convey, and they control it in a meticulous manner accordingly. 

Take Susan Boyle, a Scottish singer, for example. When she got on the stage of Britain’s Got Talent, she definitely knew what were up against her – stereotypes against a middle-aged woman with plain appearance – and she used it to make a stunning contrast with her utterly beautiful voice.  The effect?  Boyle's debut album, I Dreamed a Dream (2009) is still the UK best-selling debut album of all time. She knows herself and world well. Good orators know themselves, and the world well, too.


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偏鄉高中沒英聽教室 考得吃力 2012/10/21 【聯合報】



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大學入學考試中心訊息: 高中英語聽力測驗「搶鮮試聽」即日起活動起跑,上線試聽。


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Curiosity is an everlasting flame that burns in everyone's mind. It makes me get out of bed in the morning and wonder what surprises life will throw at me that day

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這篇文章的內容介紹如何在教室內以交互辯論的方式,讓學生(高中生)來參加課堂的教學活動;和其它相關主題的期刊文章相較,此篇內容,個人認為,提供較多的實作方法,很適合教學上的應用....This article introduce class-room debate and detailed steps in how to guide students; compared with other journal entries on the same topic, this article provides more tips on how to do it, instead of the theories and effects.


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